Cranio - BCST
Cranio is a gentle, body-based therapy, that supports the whole body. It works deeply to address the underlying issues, not just the site of pain, but all areas affected by it. Cranio partners with the Body to aim to restore its best level of health. ‘Your best you’.
Homeostasis actively manages healthy levels in our body’s systems. The distractions of stress, pain & other busy body/brain signals can get stuck ‘On’. This can be overwhelming & tricky for Homeostasis. Cranio can help to calm the nervous system that manages all these messages. Allowing the body’s natural healing process, to bring muscles, hormones & Nervous system back to optimum levels & function.
The body works around the tensions, from the residue of injuries/illness. I picture this, as traffic cones protecting from unfinished road work, all through the system. No wonder clients are exhausted, trying to navigate around these constantly. At some stage the pressure can become too great & then, seemingly out of the blue, their body starts to struggle with holding it all together.
Clients are confused, that old issues are ‘coming back’, When in fact, they never actually went away. Rather, the holding pattern that had contained them has become overloaded. When we don’t attend to our health, it can go into overwhelm. That doesn’t mean the body is broken, just that it needs more support.
As you can imagine, a lot of energy has been tied up in these holding patterns & a whole lot more in working around them. That is seen in the relief & newfound energy clients remark on, as they progress on their Cranio healing journey.
Frequently asked questions.
What ages use Cranio?
I treat all ages. From pre-birth babies & Mums, to new born, toddlers, through to the elderly. Ideal because it so gentle, yet so deep acting
Is Cranio safe? If I am in pain or carrying an injury or effects of surgery?
Yes Cranio is gentle, using light hand holds. It supports your body’s health & own natural healing process. So good for those feeling vulnerable or in pain or more mature clients.
How many sessions will I need?
I recommend 3 sessions. This gives your body a chance to get into the deeper layers, that have been holding for a long time. Of course, for long term issues, it may take longer. But we will negoitiate that together, as we go. There is no signing people up for endless treatment.

Does Cranio just treat recent injuries?
Every experience the body ever had, or a residue of it, is stored in the body. These are stored; either a good way – from food, health and exercise or in not such good ways. As injuries, illness, stress or exhaustion, which can present as pain, restriction of movement, sleep issues or food sensitivities. Cranio works with what is in your body – old and new issues.
BCST – The Biodynamic approach to Cranio works with the whole person. Body/mind/ soul /spirit. The origins of our pain or trauma can originate from any of these areas, so it makes sense, that wholeness comes from resolving them through each of these.
BCST also has a focus on the Health in the Client. When in pain, it is hard to ignore. Cranio helps the clients system orient to Health, it opens doors to move from holding & protecting, back to resolving & releasing.
What is Health?
Some clients feel they have lost their health. In truth it is often in protective mode, helping your body adapt & compensate around existing injuries or stress, that present as tensions & holding patterns, enabling your body to function. I like to think of these like traffic cones, protecting you from the unfinished road works all through your system. No wonder clients are exhausted, trying to navigate around these constantly. Until the pressure becomes to great & seemingly out of the blue, your body starts to struggle with holding it all together.
Clients are confused, that old issues are ‘coming back’. When, they never actually went away. Rather, the holding pattern that had contained them got overloaded. When we don’t attend to our health, it can go into overwhelm. That doesn’t mean its lost, just that it needs more support.
Cranio supports the client to re-orient to their health, by calming the Nervous System, allowing clearer messaging, re-establishing a sense of balance & health. Allowing long held tensions to start releasing, which encourages muscle & tissues open to healthy blood & interstitial fluid flow. This is Health, the energy & wisdom that creates you in the womb & remains with your, your whole life.
As you can imiagine, a lot of energy has been tied up in these holding patterns & a whole lot more in working around them. That is seen in the relief & new found energy clients remark on, as they progress on their Cranio, healing journey
What to expect in a Session
Your first session will include a case history and discussing the reason you made the appointment. You will remain fully clothed, as you lie down on the treatment table, where light hand holds, are used to treat you. Clients comment that in the session they feel very relaxed, often more than they’ve felt in years. Also, many notice their body feeling warmth, tingling, easier breathing and their mind clearing. Afterwards they often say they feel calmer and more grounded.