Specialist Areas
Neck / Back / Shoulder pain
Whether from injury or inflammation, Cranio helps assist the body to break out of the tensions holding around these areas, integrating back into the system, by getting fluid flowing back through them. The blood carries the necessary Nutrition & Chemicals to promote healing.
Mums and Bubs
Cranio is well-known for treating babies, as it is so gentle, with no manipulations. Mums bring babies when they’re irritable & won’t settle or feed well or often after Lip/Tongue tie procedures, to help settle the effected tissues & rebuild healthy nerve pathways.
Also Mums coming during pregnancy. Their body’s health is not just important for the baby, but for the birth. Back & hip issues can affect birth. Cranio can help their body balance & prepare.
Post natal - All births are a challenge for both Mum & baby, Cranio can assist Mum’s recovery, giving her & baby, the best start.
Trauma – Emotions - Grief
Trauma effects the body physically as well as the emotionally. One of the most basic human need, is safety. Trauma challenges this. It is difficult when the external environment doesn’t feel safe but, can be overwhelming when it doesn’t feel safe inside the body. Cranio may assist clients to gently restore this sense of safety, enabling them to become more grounded & present.
I compare our body’s processes to music. In a band, there are many different instruments, just like the many systems running the body, working together. In music, when in tune, it can be wonderful, but if just one instrument speeds up or fades out, everything changes. It can turn into chaos, or just bad noise. Trauma can affect the body this way, like it is screaming on the inside, yet nobody else can hear it.
Now think, what does a musician do when this happens? They pause, to let themselves settle & find rhythm again. In Cranio, the body enjoys the same pause, to calm & rediscover its sense of healthy rhythms. In that time, the body is supported to safely notice the old pattern of trauma, so it can move from there, to bring its focus back to seeking potential for the goodness & health life can provide.
Does Cranio help with Chronic issues?
Chronic conditions; such as Lupus, IBS, Fibromyalgia. Cranio helps support the body to keep seeking its potential for health. Often old holding patterns may have been keeping resources tied up. As they resolve, clients report feeling more resourced & able to focus on working on their condition.
Special Needs / disabilities
My 3rd child Fergus has Global delays, although he is mid 20s, he is fully dependent for all his needs. He is non-verbal, uses a wheelchair, needs to be fed and nappies changed. So I am very comfortable with any of these issues & regularly treat to support children and adults dealing with them. Cranio has been amazing for Ferg’s Seizures.
Supporting those with Cancer?
Cranio support has been helpful for my clients dealing with cancer. Whether before Chemo, during or in recovery. They said that their body had previously felt at battle with itself ? and sometimes out of control. After Cranio they shared, that they felt calmer, with less nausea and a better frame of mind.
Head issues - Concussion, TBI, Vertigo, Migraines, Headaches
The Craniosacral system is the 3 layered protection (called the dura), which wraps around the brain & continues down inside the Spine, encasing the Spinal cord down to the sacrum (Spine & Spinal Cord = Central Nervous System). The Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is contained in this too, it bathes the brain & helps it function, also protects it like a cushion against sudden impacts.
When the head is injured, through sickness or impact, the Dura tightens to protect the Brain & Spinal Cord, giving it some time to heal. This creates a tense environment for the brain resulting in poor circulation of CSF.
Clients say, that before Cranio, they’ve experienced hot patches over their brain and brain fog, or loss of words in mid conversation. As Cranio helps their body & Dura to begin releasing these tensions, it can re-establish healthy CSF flow, which can be life changing. Much of this work has been with Rugby players & falls from horses.
Neck / Back / Shoulder pain
Whether from injury or inflammation, Cranio helps assist the body to break out of the tensions holding around these areas, integrating back into the system, by getting fluid flowing back through them. The blood carries the necessary Nutrition & Chemicals to promote healing.
Pregnancy & Babies
Cranio is well-known for treating babies, as it is so gentle, with no manipulations. Mums bring babies when they’re irritable & won’t settle or feed well or often after Lip/Tongue tie procedures, to help settle the effected tissues & rebuild healthy nerve pathways.Also Mums coming during pregnancy. Their body’s health is not just important for the baby, but for the birth. Back & hip issues can affect birth. Cranio can help their body balance & prepare.Post natal - All births are a challenge for both Mum & baby, Cranio can assist Mum’s recovery, giving her & baby, the best start.
Does Cranio help with Chronic issues?
Chronic conditions; such as Lupus, IBS, Fibromyalgia. Cranio helps support the body to keep seeking its potential for health. Often old holding patterns may have been keeping resources tied up. As they resolve, clients report feeling more resourced & able to focus on working on their condition.
Special Needs / disabilities
My 3rd child Fergus has Global delays, although he is mid 20s, he is fully dependent for all his needs. He is non-verbal, uses a wheelchair, needs to be fed and nappies changed. So I am very comfortable with any of these issues & regularly treat to support children and adults dealing with them. Cranio has been amazing for Ferg’s Seizures.
Supporting those with Cancer?
Cranio support has been helpful for my clients dealing with cancer. Whether before Chemo, during or in recovery. They said that their body had previously felt at battle with itself ? and sometimes out of control. After Cranio they shared, that they felt calmer, with less nausea and a better frame of mind.
Head issues - Concussion, TBI, Vertigo, Migraines, Headaches
The Craniosacral system is the 3 layered protection (called the dura), which wraps around the brain & continues down inside the Spine, encasing the Spinal cord down to the sacrum (Spine & Spinal Cord = Central Nervous System). The Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is contained in this too, it bathes the brain & helps it function, also protects it like a cushion against sudden impacts.
When the head is injured, through sickness or impact, the Dura tightens to protect the Brain & Spinal Cord, giving it some time to heal. This creates a tense environment for the brain resulting in poor circulation of CSF.
Clients say, that before Cranio, they’ve experienced hot patches over their brain and brain fog, or loss of words in mid conversation. As Cranio helps their body & Dura to begin releasing these tensions, it can re-establish healthy CSF flow, which can be life changing. Much of this work has been with Rugby players & falls from horses.